Department Of Government Efficiency
The Department Of Government Efficiency (D.O.G.E) is the brainchild of Elon Musk and Donald Trump. Trump has appointed Musk to head the Department and reign in US Government spending and waste. We support this initiative and plan to bring awareness to the movement.
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Download the MetaMask extension from the official website and install it in your browser. Fund it by transferring ETH(BASE) from an exchange or another wallet.
Connect to a decentralized exchange (DEX) like Uniswap, SushiSwap, or 1inch. Open the DEX website and click on "Connect Wallet". Then select MetaMask
To swap BASE(ETH) for $D.O.G.E , select ETH in the "from" field and choose $D.O.G.E in the "to" field using our contract address. Enter the amount of tokens you want & press swap.
Verify your transaction status in MetaMask under the "Activity" tab or on Basescan using your BASE address. You import the token to your MetaMask by pasting in the CA.
The initial liquidity is Burned
You can buy D.O.G.E with the Uniswap from the BLEPE/WETH pool page. The Uniswap is the most trusted place for people to trade, follow and manage D.O.G.E token. It's fast and secure.
0x599f07567656E6961e20fa6a90685d393808c192 is D.O.G.E token contract address on BASE.
Our mission is to empower people by providing transparency and awareness to help fix the corrupt government system
Join us in this journey towards a more transparent, accountable, and efficient governance system, where every $DOGE represents a step towards better governance.